Introduction: The future of PPC and SEO, an interview with Chat GPT

The war of the search engines is on and to quote John Tuld from the film Margin Call “There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat”, it seems that Microsoft has decided to take the first option and be first to introduce AI into the Microsoft Bing Search engine.

As Chat GPT explodes onto the scene, one of the key questions for many PPC professionals and SEO professionals must be what does the future hold for us?

Bing has become a major player in the AI industry and has invested $10 billion into Chat GPT. Google is about to launch its much-anticipated version called Bard (Very Shakespeare!!).

The question is really, if these super AI systems can be integrated into search then how relevant will SEO become, will it be a waste of time to publish new recipes on your cooking website or how-to tutorials for your plumbing business if the AI engines can give users the answers without having to navigate away from the search engine.

The future of PPC and SEO in the age of Chat GPT and Bard

Will SEO become irrelevant, and if so will Pay Per Click marketing become more expensive or cheaper? How will it be integrated into these new platforms? As I have no direct line to Sundar Pichai or Bill Gates, I decided to interview Chat GPT to find out more.

Can I quote ChatGPT?

Here are the ten questions I will be asking along with the replies courtesy of Chat GPT (source:

My first question was: Can I publish your replies to my questions on my website?

Chat GPT responded with the following:

Yes, you can publish my responses on your website as long as you follow OpenAI’s API Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Specifically, you must:  

  • Accurately represent the source of the content 
  • Include a link back to the OpenAI API Terms of Use 
  • Not use the content for illegal or unethical purposes 
Chat GPT response: Cani I publish your responses in my blog?

Please note that OpenAI provides this API as a service to users and can change or discontinue the service at any time without notice.

So no illegal content here and this is a link to Chat GPT’s Terms of Service (

Introductory question: I decided to present to Chat GPT the subject of the interview, in order to give it an idea of where the conversation would be heading:

Introduction to GPT, AI and PPC and SEO marketing in the future

AnthonyRosePPC: Today I would like to talk about the future of search engines and AI

Chat GPT: Sure! The future of search engines and AI is very exciting. In the coming years, we can expect to see even more advanced and intelligent search engines that can understand and interpret our search queries in a more natural and intuitive way.  

One area that is likely to see significant progress is the use of AI to personalize search results. For example, search engines may use data such as your search history, location, and interests to provide more relevant results. This could lead to a more personalized and intuitive search experience for users.  

Another area that is likely to see significant development is the use of voice search and conversational interfaces. As voice-activated virtual assistants become more sophisticated, we can expect to see more users turning to voice search as a convenient and intuitive way to find information online.  

The use of AI in image and video search is also likely to become more advanced. With the increasing use of image and video content online, search engines may use AI to analyze and understand the content of images and videos, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.  


Finally, it’s worth noting that the development of AI and search engines is likely to have a significant impact on privacy and security. As search engines collect more data about users and their behavior, it will be important to ensure that this data is protected and used responsibly.  Overall, the future of search engines and AI is very promising and holds great potential to revolutionize the way we find information online.

Questions 2


How can Chat GPT help SEO professionals?

Chat GPT

ChatGPT can help SEO professionals in several ways:  


1. Keyword Research: ChatGPT can assist with keyword research by suggesting relevant keywords based on the context of a search query. This can help SEO professionals to identify the right keywords to target in their content and optimize their website for search engines.  

2. Content Generation: ChatGPT can assist with content generation by suggesting ideas and writing text based on a given prompt. This can help SEO professionals to create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that will rank well in search results.  

3. Competitor Analysis: ChatGPT can assist with competitor analysis by providing information about competitor websites and their SEO strategies. This can help SEO professionals to understand their competition and make informed decisions about their own SEO strategies.  

4. Technical SEO: ChatGPT can provide information about technical SEO best practices and how to optimize a website for search engines. This can help SEO professionals to ensure their website is technically sound and will rank well in search results.  

5. Link Building: ChatGPT can assist with link building by suggesting potential link-building opportunities and strategies. This can help SEO professionals to build high-quality backlinks and improve their website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.  


Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for SEO professionals, providing support with various aspects of SEO and helping to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search results. “

Source: ChatGPT

Questions 3


How can Chat GPT help Pay Per Click Professionals?

Howq can Chat GPT3 help PPC professionals?
Chat GPT

”  ChatGPT can help pay-per-click (PPC) professionals in several ways:  


1. Keyword Research: ChatGPT can assist with keyword research by suggesting relevant keywords based on the context of a search query. This can help PPC professionals to identify the right keywords to target in their campaigns and create more effective PPC ads.  

2. Ad Copywriting: ChatGPT can assist with ad copywriting by suggesting ideas and writing text based on a given prompt. This can help PPC professionals to create compelling and attention-grabbing ad copy that will drive conversions.  

3. Competitor Analysis: ChatGPT can assist with competitor analysis by providing information about competitor websites and their PPC strategies. This can help PPC professionals to understand their competition and make informed decisions about their own PPC campaigns.  

4. Audience Insights: ChatGPT can provide information about target audiences and their behavior, interests, and demographics. This can help PPC professionals to create more effective and targeted PPC campaigns that reach the right people.  

5. Campaign Optimization: ChatGPT can assist with campaign optimization by suggesting improvements to existing PPC campaigns based on performance data. This can help PPC professionals to continuously optimize their campaigns and improve their return on investment. 

 Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for PPC professionals, providing support with various aspects of PPC and helping to improve the performance and results of their campaigns. “

Source: ChatGPT

Questions 4


Will original SEO blog content still be relevant in the future, or is this the end for SEO?

Chat GPT

“Original SEO blog content will continue to be relevant in the future, although the methods for optimizing content for search engines may evolve. Search engines are always looking for ways to improve their algorithms and provide the most relevant and high-quality results for users. As a result, the techniques for optimizing content for search engines are likely to change over time.  

However, the fundamental principles of creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that satisfies user intent will always remain relevant. This is because search engines are designed to provide the best results for users, and high-quality content that meets the needs of users will always be in demand.  

In the future, AI and machine learning algorithms are likely to play an increasingly important role in search engines and the optimization of content for search engines. However, this does not mean that original blog content will become irrelevant. Instead, it is likely that the focus of SEO will shift towards creating content that is optimized for both humans and AI, with the goal of providing the best possible user experience.  

In conclusion, original SEO blog content will continue to be relevant in the future, although the methods for optimizing it may change. The focus of SEO will always be on creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that satisfies user intent, and this will continue to be an important aspect of successful digital marketing.”

Source: ChatGPT

Questions 5


Will advertising be integrated into AI search engines and if so, how?

Will Ads be integrated into AI search technology and how?
Chat GPT

“Advertising will likely be integrated into AI search engines in the future, and this integration is likely to take several forms. 

1. Paid Search Ads: Paid search ads, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) ads, are likely to be integrated into AI search engines in a similar way to how they are integrated into traditional search engines today. AI search engines will likely use data such as keyword search volume, bid prices, and ad relevance to determine which ads to display in response to a given search query.  

2. Product Listing Ads (PLAs): Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are a type of ad that is commonly used to promote products on e-commerce websites. AI search engines are likely to integrate PLAs into their results pages, allowing users to view product information, prices, and images directly from the search results page.  

3. Sponsored Content: Sponsored content, such as sponsored blog posts or articles, is likely to be integrated into AI search engines in the future. This type of advertising will be presented as sponsored content within the search results, and will be designed to provide users with valuable and relevant information about products or services. 

4. Voice Ads: With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, AI search engines are likely to integrate voice-activated advertising into their results. This type of advertising will allow users to interact with ads through voice commands, making it easier for users to find the information they need and making advertising more accessible.  

Overall, the integration of advertising into AI search engines is likely to evolve over time as AI technology continues to advance. The goal of this integration will be to provide users with relevant and useful information about products and services, while also allowing advertisers to reach their target audiences more effectively.”

Source: ChatGPT

Questions 6


Will AI become so smart that Pay Per Click marketing can be handled by an AI engine like Chat GPT?

Chat GPT

” It’s possible that AI technology could eventually become advanced enough to handle pay-per-click (PPC) marketing entirely on its own. However, it’s important to note that PPC marketing involves a complex set of tasks that require not only technical expertise, but also a deep understanding of human behavior and consumer psychology.  


While AI engines like ChatGPT can assist with some aspects of PPC, such as keyword generation and ad copywriting, it is unlikely that they will be able to replace human expertise completely in the near future. This is because PPC marketing requires a creative and strategic approach that is difficult to replicate with AI alone. 


 In addition, PPC advertising involves constantly monitoring and adjusting campaigns based on performance data and changes in consumer behavior. This requires a level of intuition and decision-making that AI engines like ChatGPT may not be able to replicate in the near future.  


In conclusion, while AI technology will continue to evolve and have an increasing impact on PPC marketing, it is unlikely that AI engines like ChatGPT will be able to completely replace human expertise in the near future. For now, PPC advertising will likely continue to be a combination of both human expertise and AI technology, with each complementing the other to deliver the best results.”

Source: ChatGPT

Question 7


With the advent of Chat GPT and AI engines, will Pay Per Click marketing become more expensive for businesses, or will it come down?

Will PPC Marketing become more expensive because of AI
Chat GPT

 “It is difficult to predict the exact impact that AI engines like ChatGPT will have on the cost of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. There are arguments to be made for both scenarios:


1. Increased cost: On one hand, AI technology can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of PPC campaigns, which may lead to higher competition for ad space and higher bid prices for keywords. This could make PPC marketing more expensive for businesses.

2. Decreased cost: On the other hand, AI technology can also automate many of the manual tasks involved in PPC, such as keyword research and bid management. This can lead to increased efficiency and lower costs for businesses, as they no longer need to pay for human expertise to perform these tasks.


Ultimately, the impact that AI technology will have on the cost of PPC marketing will likely depend on a number of factors, including the level of competition in the market and the efficiency and effectiveness of AI engines like ChatGPT.  

In the near term, it’s possible that AI technology may increase the cost of PPC marketing as businesses compete to use these new tools to improve their campaigns. However, as AI technology becomes more widely adopted and the cost of AI-powered tools decreases, the cost of PPC marketing may also come down over time. “

Source: ChatGPT

Question 8


Is AI a dangerous route for search engines to take, is there a possibility of false information being given to users?

Chat GPT


Yes, there is a possibility that AI-powered search engines could deliver false information to users. This is a concern because AI algorithms rely on large amounts of data to make decisions and provide answers, and this data may not always be accurate or reliable.

For example, if the training data used to develop an AI search engine contains biased or false information, the AI engine may also produce biased or false results. This can lead to the spread of misinformation, which can harm users and damage the credibility of the search engine.

In addition, AI algorithms can be manipulated or influenced by malicious actors who aim to spread false information or promote certain agendas. For example, AI algorithms could be trained on data sets that are skewed to favor certain viewpoints, or they could be fed biased information through fake news articles or propaganda.

To mitigate these risks, it is important for AI search engines to be developed and maintained with transparency, impartiality, and accountability in mind. This means that AI search engines should be designed to minimize the potential for bias and misinformation, and they should be regularly audited and tested to ensure that they are providing accurate and trustworthy information to users.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to revolutionize search engines and provide users with faster and more accurate answers, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with AI technology, and to take steps to minimize the potential for false information to be spread. “

Source: ChatGPT

Question 9


Who will win the search engine wars when Microsoft integrates Chat GPT and Google integrates their own AI called Bard?

Chat GPT

 ” It’s difficult to predict who will win the search engine wars between Microsoft and Google, as it will depend on a number of factors such as the quality of their AI technology, user adoption, and their overall strategy for integrating AI into their search engines.


Both Microsoft and Google are likely to make significant investments in AI technology and will likely strive to integrate advanced AI algorithms like ChatGPT and BERT into their search engines. The outcome of the search engine wars will depend on which company can deliver a better user experience, provide more accurate and relevant search results, and better address the needs and concerns of users.


In addition, it’s important to note that the search engine market is highly competitive and constantly evolving. New players and technologies may emerge, and the market may change in unexpected ways, making it difficult to predict the outcome of the search engine wars with certainty.


In conclusion, while it is difficult to predict the outcome of the search engine wars between Microsoft and Google, it is clear that both companies will make significant investments in AI technology and strive to integrate advanced AI algorithms into their search engines. Ultimately, the winner will depend on which company can deliver a better user experience and better address the needs and concerns of users.

Source: ChatGPT

Question 10


How do you see a modern search engine in 5 years’ time?

Chat GPT

” In 5 years’ time, I see modern search engines as being much more advanced and intelligent, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. Here are some of the key trends that I anticipate:

1. Conversational search: I expect to see a shift towards conversational search, where users can interact with search engines using natural language queries and receive answers in a conversational format.

2. Personalized search: Search engines will become more personalized, using AI algorithms to learn users’ preferences and provide results that are tailored to their individual needs and interests.

3. AI-powered recommendations: AI will play a larger role in the search process, helping users to discover new information and make informed decisions by providing relevant recommendations and suggestions based on their past searches and behavior.

4. Augmented reality integration: I anticipate that search engines will increasingly integrate augmented reality technology, allowing users to explore and discover information in new and interactive ways.

5. Integration with other technologies: Search engines will continue to integrate with other technologies such as voice assistants, smart homes, and wearable devices, providing users with new and convenient ways to access information.


In conclusion, I see modern search engines in 5 years’ time as being much more advanced and intelligent, providing users with a more personalized, conversational, and immersive search experience. AI technology will play a critical role in enabling these developments, and search engines will continue to evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of users. “

Source: ChatGPT


In the following section, I would like add two conclusions, I asked ChatGPT to draw a conclusion from our conversation but I would also like to add my own personal conclusions as a freelance PPC consultant.

Chat GPT: Can you sum up the above interview from the point of view of yourself Chat GPT?

As a language model trained by OpenAI, I can tell you that the future of search engines is expected to be highly advanced and intelligent, powered by AI technology. In 5 years’ time, search engines are expected to offer more personalized and conversational search experiences, with greater integration of AI algorithms, augmented reality, and other technologies. The winner of the search engine wars between companies like Microsoft and Google will depend on their ability to deliver a better user experience and address user needs and concerns more effectively. Ultimately, the goal of modern search engines will be to provide users with faster and more accurate answers to their queries, and to help them discover and explore new information in more engaging and interactive ways.

Source: ChatGPT

Chat GPT's conclusion of the future of AI in search
AnthonyRosePPC; Conclusion

It is clear to all who are watching that the battle of the search engines is on, and at the moment, that seems to be Microsoft Bing VS the mighty Google. Who will win, who can say? As pointed out in ChatGPT’s response will depend on “their ability to deliver a better user experience”. 

Whether or not AI can truly replace humans in marketing is a difficult question to answer. PPC marketing is not just about keyword research or writing Ad copy, it is about innovation and appealing to people’s needs, wants, and emotions and finding the right keywords, designing the right ads and finally connecting with the user on the landing page with a compelling message and creating enough desire for the user to take action. As human beings change and AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, perhaps subtly it will be AI that becomes the biggest engine of our wants and desires, much as today’s influencers are.