Freelance Bing Ads Consultant

I am a fully certified Microsoft Bing Ads expert. I can help with your Bing Ads Management


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I specialise in helping your business exceed its goals through extensive keyword research, landing page analysis, account design and optimisation


Why do I need a freelance Bing Ads Consultant?

6 Reasons why you should be using Bing Ads for your business

Bing is the second largest search engine worldwide (source:, Bing is constantly increasing it’s market share especially on desktop which makes it the ideal marketing platform for Business to Business (B2B) advertising.

Bing is now available in 238 countries (source: Bing). Your Ads can appear on Bing, AOL, Yahoo and parnter sites like the MSN network. Many people also use the windows built in search bar to search on Bing.

Get your business on the top of page 1 of Bing

Your website can appear in the top 4 search results for the keywords YOU choose

Don't Wait

SEO or natural positioning can take up to 6 months for your site to appear at the top of search results and that is with an expert SEO consultant. As a Bing Ads expert, I can help you increase your traffic and your ROI today.

The right place at the right time

Bing is often the default search engine built into the Windows operating system which many desktop users use to search 

Set your budget

You can run a Bing Ads campaign for as little as €1 per day.


Similar to Google search, you can choose when and where your ads are shown. You can show your Ads within a specific radius of your business, a specific location or even a country. If you are looking to export abroad, Bing Ads is an excellent option.

Results Tracking

Bing Ads offers excellent tracking so you can track the results from your campaigns.

Hire a Bing Ads Expert

If you would like a FREE NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION about how a Microsoft Bing  Ads campaign could benefit your business then click the button below.


A Microsoft Bing Ads Freelancer can help…

Microsoft advertising or Bing Ads gives you access to different networks including Yahoo and MSN. With  Bing Ads, you can reach audiences who use Windows, Microsoft Edge, MSN, Outlook, and Xbox.

In general Bing ads has a lower Cost Per Click (CPC) than Google. As a fully qualified Bing Ads consultant I can help you to set up a highly effective Bing Ads campaign. I can help you to identify which types of Bing Advertising will best suit your business goals (e.g Search advertising, Display advertising, Shopping advertising  etc)

I take over the complex part of managing and optimizing your Bing Ads account.

Freelance Bing Ads Consultant
Google Ads Specialist

My Clients

I am a native English speaker who is fluent in Spanish, having lived in Spain for over 25 years. I have both English speaking and Spanish-speaking clients. I operate Bing Ads accounts for clients looking to reach both the English and Spanish market around the world.

Rachel Green
Rachel Green
Anthony has done an incredible job with my Google Ads. He is bringing leads into my business on a daily basis and really understands how to make Google Ads work for any business. Anthony is highly knowledgeable in this area and I would 100% recommend him if you want to make more revenue in your business.
Laurence Dann
Laurence Dann
Having worked for a few months with Anthony on my Google Ad campaigns I can wholeheartedly recommend his services. I'd been running the campaigns myself for many years and he came in, reduced the CPC massively and increased both the CTR & conversions to the same extent - and amazingly quickly as well. I wish I'd engaged his services years ago, it would have saved me both time and a lot of money. Also, as a bonus, he's a very nice guy.

Bing Ads campaigns that work and generate business for your business

Looking for a Bing Ads consultant to create or review your campaigns? My Bing Ads consultancy is based on creating advertising campaigns focused on your business objectives, without losing sight of your competitors and measuring what you get for them. An effective and profitable Bing Ads campaign is one that helps you achieve your business goals and drives you to be where your customers are looking for you, reaching them at the right time and generating visits that convert into customers.  

T Step 1

Creating Bing Ads campaign

I specialize in creating BingAds campaigns from scratch and also redesigning existing campaigns

Creating Bing Ads campaigns from scratch or revising the ones you already have?

Do you have campaigns that don’t work or don’t achieve the objectives you need? We review the campaigns together and reorient them by detecting those things that may have been overlooked. If you don’t have Bing Ads campaigns, I will create them from scratch and develop the best strategy to target them. We will look at the sector and your competition. We will look at the right budgets and activate campaigns that are in line with what you expect to get from them

Step 2


Creating the right conversion goals

Conversion targets

Conversion goals are critical to measuring the success of your Bing Ads campaigns. I will create the necessary conversion goals in your campaigns in order to optimise and improve them progressively.

Once this process is finished you will know: How many sales, contacts or calls you receive from your Bing Ads campaigns. This information will help us to improve and get more for every euro invested in them.


Step 3


Optimizing and review

Optimisation and performance

Campaign creation is only the beginning of the whole Bing Ads strategy, campaigns need to be reviewed and adjusted periodically so that they are always in good shape.

Fluctuations in your industry, new competitors or changes in competitor accounts can affect the performance of your campaign, so it needs to be adjusted and reviewed frequently to avoid losing positions on the keywords and ads that generate the most conversions on your website.


l Step 4


Simple and concise reporting for your Bing Ads Account

Reports and conclusions

Receive a clear and simple monthly report to make the best decisions for your Bing Ads campaigns. Variables such as cost per acquisition, contribution to the sale / contact of each of the levels of your account (keywords, ad groups and campaigns) will help you make the right decisions to increase and improve the volume of contacts or sales received.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why hire a Freelance Bing Ads consultant?

You wouldn’t rewire your house if you didn’t have any experience as an electrician because it is dangerous. While running your own Bing Ads campaign won’t kill you if you make a mistake, it can do some serious damage to your bank balance. A Bing Ads specialist will make sure that every penny you spend is well spent, getting the maximum number of conversions/contacts for your money.

But why use a freelancer? As a Bing Ads freelancer, I don’t have any of the overheads that go with maintaining a lot of staff and office space. I am also very selective about the clients I take on. I only want clients with whom I believe I can have a long-lasting relationship, so I always make sure that their business is a good fit for a Bing Ads campaign. I really don’t want to waste my time or your money!!!


What does “Microsoft Certified Profesional” mean?

Microsoft offers 3 certifications, If all 3 are passed with a score of 80% or above, the candidate is awarded the Microsoft Advertising Certifed Professional (MACP) status which proves expertise across the Microsoft Advertising network. Find out more about MACP status. My Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional status.

Bing Ads Search Certification
Native Display Cetification
Microsoft Advertising Shopping Certtification
Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional